HIPERION News & Videos

Kjell Tornlund, sound engineer and musician


HIPERION video interview #18

"Music and energy are very tight. Without energy, no music. Solar energy has a great future in music and creation […] if we want energy to be clean and the music to be clean." Kjell Tornlund, Sound Engineer and Musician

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HIPERION video interview #17


HIPERION video interview #17

"No matter who you are, no matter where you are, I want to tell you just one thing. Take care of everyone who is around you the way you want to take care of yourself!"Antonina Dudina, Hospitality Management's student

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HIPERION video interview #16


HIPERION video interview #16

"For me, energy is a fundamentally important element for us to simply move forward and develop a more sustainable society than what we have done so far. And I think we have good reasons to do so, because we have the knowledge, we have the technology and this is very important to us." Romeo A. T...

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