Trigger new investments in the EU PV industry via the establishment of a pilot line which targets an innovative production process

The HIPERION project will:

  • Establish a pilot line able to assemble high-efficiency PV modules and based on industrial manufacturing processes.
  • Develop a unique production process for the highly disruptive module architecture.
  • Strengthen process level IP in Europe and internationally.
  • Foster synergies and cross investments between industries (space industry, monocrystalline silicon backplane, automotive industry, LED industry, lighting industry, etc.).
  • Exploit the existing EU CPV expertise within the PV field.

Trigger new investments in the EU PV industry via tailored development of equipment for mainstream power PV technologies

The HIPERION project will:

  • Co-integrate the planar optical micro-technology with conventional PV modules.
  • Develop new tailored equipment based on demonstrated processes boosting the mainstream PV.
  • Incorporate the latest industry photovoltaic silicon and III-V cells technologies.

Achieve a final product with performance and cost competitiveness

The HIPERION project will:

  • Validate the rooftop PV module efficiency world record in different climatic conditions (> 30%).
  • Optimise the bill-of-materials (BOM) for the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) and installation return-on-investmet (ROI).
  • Accelerate the technology integration in a competitive production line and speed up its market entry.
  • Bring cheaper solar electricity in almost any kind of local weather and economic conditions on the long term thanks to 40% efficiency under direct sunlight.

Regain market shares against mainstream PV panels

The HIPERION project will:

  • Enable more PV applications (standalone PV applications, zero-energy buildings, electric vehicles stations and parking lots).
  • Reduce solar electricity costs on the rooftop market.
  • Provide added value for the rooftop market by decreasing LCOE, improving IRR for homeowners and increasing the manufacturing gross margin.
  • Reduce cost of electricity in the utility market on the long term.

The HIPERION market entry per segment :
Standalone PV: smaller market application, higher module prices, expected growth in the upcoming years.
Rooftop PV (residential and commercial): medium prices due to higher installations costs.
Utility PV: biggest market segment, highly competitive costs.

Create more secure and sustainable supply chains for the EU PV market

The HIPERION project will:

  • Bolster European expertise and know-how, e.g. in advanced optics, micro-mechanical components and multi-junction III-V solar cells, metrology.
  • Preserve the European strategic position in this new field and prevent the EU manufacturing to be overtaken by actors in low cost production regions through the high level of skills and automation required.
  • Strengthen product and process level IP.
  • Implement the knowledge management and security plan.

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