HIPERION Publications & Results

This page is updated with the publications and presentations generated within the HIPERION project.

Conference presentation - HIPERION project presentation

Parallel event about “EU Funded Projects Helping to Raise the Competitiveness of the EU PV Industry” at the 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8), 29 September 2022, Milan, Italy, in cooperation with H2020 funded projects HighLite, Go-PV and Super PV.

Speaker: Jacques Levrat, CSEM


Conference presentation - Design and Fabrication of Ultra High Efficiency Hybrid Solar Modules based on CPV Micro Tracking System

8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8), 29 September 2022, Milan, Italy

Speaker: Jacques Levrat, CSEM


Introduction and presentation of IES UPM. Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE. Maximizing energy yield in space constrained PV applications.

Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE. Maximizing energy yield in space-constrained PV applications.

Speaker: Ignacio Antón, Instituto de Energía Solar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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