The final act of the HIPERION project was played on 17-18 October 2023 in Linkebeek (Brussels) at ENGIE Laborelec premises, with the HIPERION General Assembly and Final Review meetings. The Final Review meeting was held on Wednesday 18 October 2023. The EC Project Officer, Maider Machado, acc...
The article drafted by Jacques Levrat, HIPERION Project Coordinator (CSEM), about the impressive achievements of the HIPERION technology from design to the production line and pilot sites, was published in The Innovation Platform issue 15 - September 2023 on pages 234-235, under the title "HIPER...
The latest achievements of the HIPERION project were featured in an article published in the Innovation News Network website. In this article, Jacques Levrat, Project Coordinator at CSEM, details the journey of the HIPERION project so far, from production line to pilot sites. Read the ful...