The “Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE: Maximizing energy yield in space-constrained PV applications” took place as an online event on the 22nd of July 2021. The workshop was jointly organised by Instituto de Energía Solar-Universida...
The presentations given by HIPERION partners at the virtual conference “What’s Hot In European Solar R&D. Overview on First Results of EU funded Horizon2020 PV Projects HighLite, HIPERION, GoPV, and SuperPV” and hosted by TaiyangNews (28-30 June 2021) are now available for download: ...
The virtual conference “What’s Hot In European Solar R&D. Overview on First Results of EU funded Horizon2020 PV Projects HighLite, HIPERION, GoPV, and SuperPV” hosted by TaiyangNews was held virtually on 28-30 June 2021. HIPERION co-organised the conference and was represented durin...