HIPERION News & Videos

HIPERION Newsletter N°1 released


HIPERION Newsletter N°1 released

The HIPERION consortium is happy to release the first issue of the project Newsletter - Month M07 / March 2020. This Newsletter contains, among others: -> a focus on WP2 activites, "Hybrid module design optimisation for performance, cost and reliability"; -> an interview with HI...

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Glimpse of the HIPERION leaflet


HIPERION leaflet available

The paper version of the HIPERION project public leaflet will be distributed by the HIPERION partners during their participation in conferences, workshops and other events. The HIPERION leaflet can be downloaded here. HIPERION_LeafletDownload

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HIPERION Kick-off Meeting


HIPERION Kick-off Meeting

The HIPERION Kick-off Meeting took place on the 23rd and 24th September 2019 at the CSEM and EPFL premises, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. All project partners attended the meeting to introduce themselves and their organisation and to present the project activities. During this two-days meeting,...

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