The HIPERION project was well represented at the CPV-17 International Conference on Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems, held remotely between the 12th and 14th April 2021, and hosted by HIPERION project partner Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE.
The CPV-17 is the premier technical conference in the areas of high- and low-concentration PV components, modules, and tracker-based PV systems. The conference presented the most recent achievements in the development of CPV components and systems. The programme included latest performance results and characterization methodologies but also new designs and manufacturing technologies. As such, this was a primary target event for the HIPERION project to showcase results achieved on the HIPERION hybrid modules.
Indeed, five lectures were given about HIPERION, with contributions from consortium partners Fraunhofer ISE, UPM, Insolight and CSEM.
1. Shilpa Bindu, from UPM, gave a lecture under the title “Solar simulator for indoor characterization of hybrid CPV/flat-plate modules”.
2. Rubén Núñez, from UPM, presented a paper under joint UPM and Insolight authorship, entitled ”Humidity characterization and control in planar micro-tracking CPV modules”.
3. Luis Javier San José, from UPM, presented the paper “Misalignments Characterization in Micro-CPV Modules with Deep Learning Compared with Electrical Performance Parameters”.
4. Juan F. Martínez, from Fraunhofer ISE, gave a lecture about “Power Rating and Energy Yield of Hybrid CPV/Flat-Plate PV Modules”.
5. Last but not least, Steve Askins (UPM) gave a presentation under the title “HIPERION: Scale-up of hybrid planar micro-tracking solar panels for rooftop compatible CPV”. The HIPERION consortium partners from Insolight, UPM, CSEM, and Fraunhofer ISE contributed to the achievement of the related paper.
The CPV-17 conference audience was mainly composed of the scientific community from research institutes, academics and private companies, but also of industry, as well as of representatives from finance and investment. Approximatively 80-100 people attended the HIPERION conference lectures.
The CPV-17 conference was a good opportunity for HIPERION partners to meet experts, disseminate and get feedback on the project results achieved so far in view of the next developments.
The CPV-17 conference proceedings will become available in Open Access in the coming months on the CPV-17 website.