The HIPERION consortium is happy to present the third issue of the HIPERION project Newsletter – Month M21 / May 2021.
In this newsletter you will find an editorial from Jacques Levrat, the HIPERION Project Coordinator (CSEM); an article about the first performance results of HIPERION first generation module (GEN1) prototypes, written by Steve Askins (Universitad Politécnica de Madrid); an interview with Ignacio Antón, Professor at Instituto de Energía Solar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; the HIPERION Get Together, which offers a selection of major past and upcoming events which are of interest for the HIPERION community.
Feel free to share the Newsletter with those who might be interested in the project activities.
Subscription to the distribution list of upcoming project newsletters is always possible via the form on the project website.
Enjoy the reading!