The 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-8), that took place from 26- 30th September 2022 in Milan, Italy, was a major international event for HIPERION research topic, and our project partners fully seized the opportunity to be represented there.
The HIPERION Coordinator, Jacques Levrat (CSEM) gave an oral presentation on the 28th September 2022 about the HIPERION project under the title “Design and fabrication of ultra-high efficiency hybrid solar modules based on CPV microtracking system”. You can consult the presentation here.
Furthermore, HIPERION was represented in the parallel event on the 29th September 2022 about “EU Funded Projects Helping to Raise the Competitiveness of the EU PV Industry” along with three sister H2020 funded projects, i.e., HighLite, Go-PV and Super PV. This event aimed to present the key results from the projects, which main goal is to help raise the competitiveness of the EU PV industry, and also to discuss what is needed to ensure fast EU PV manufacturing capacities deployment along the full value chain and across the whole EU. HIPERION Project Coordinator, Jacques Levrat (CSEM) gave a presentation of HIPERION project, and participated in the closing panel discussion on behalf of HIPERION consortium, next to representatives from the European Union and leading PV industry associations. The presentation given by Jacques is available for download here.
Finally, the HIPERION project was presented at the WCPEC-8 exhibition during the whole week through a tailored booth, next to the other three sister H2020 funded projects. Many HIPERION project partners helped out at the booth, and could present the project by showcasing some hybrid modules, the project poster, the final project video, and handing out the project leaflets. The booth was successful and benefitted from a high visibility at the event.
Pictures: top left and bottom: HIPERION booth at the WCPEC-8 exhibition. Top right: Jacques Levrat (CSEM) presenting HIPERION at the WCPEC-8 conference.