HIPERION News & Videos


Video of the Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE

Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE.

The video from the “Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE”, held on the 22nd of July 2021, is now available!

In this video, you will listen to several presentations on the HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV novel PV technology designed to maximize energy yield in space-constrained PV applications. After, you will be led to the virtual visits of the pilot installations on UPM and Fraunhofer ISE rooftops, as well as to UPM labororatory, where you will learn how the hybrid modules are characterized.

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