HIPERION Publications & Results

This page is updated with the publications and presentations generated within the HIPERION project.

Magazine article - Bulletin.ch (German) - Leistungsstarke Schweizer Solarmodule

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Authors: Jacques Levrat, Delphine Petri, Matthieu Despeisse (CSEM); Laurent Coulot, Mathieu Ackermann (Insolight)


Magazine article - Bulletin.ch (French) - Des panneaux solaires suisses ultrapuissants

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Authors: Jacques Levrat, Delphine Petri, Matthieu Despeisse (CSEM); Laurent Coulot, Mathieu Ackermann (Insolight)


Journal paper - Progress in Photovoltaics: Industrialization of hybrid Si/III–V and translucent planar micro-tracking modules


Nardin G, Domínguez C, Aguilar AF, et al. Industrialization of hybrid Si/III–V and translucent planar micro-tracking modules. Prog Photovolt Res Appl. 2020;1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.3387


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