HIPERION News & Videos


Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE

Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE
The HIPERION consortium is proud to announce the organisation of the “Workshop on HIPERION hybrid CPV/PV modules pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer ISE. Maximizing energy yield in space-constrained PV applications”. The workshop will take place as an online event on the 22nd of July 2021, from 12:00 to 15:35 (CEST). The aim of the workshop will be to showcase these pilot sites and preliminary results, as well as to present and discuss topics related to the HIPERION hybrid PV high-efficiency technology, its manufacturing, rating and characterisation procedures, which are all critical challenges to achieve the PV market entry and scaling-up. The first part of the workshop will be dedicated to the overall technology description and virtual visits to the pilot installations at UPM and Fraunhofer rooftops. The second part will be a technical session covering the most relevant aspects of the technology. You can download the HIPERION workshop leaflet here. The workshop is an open meeting that anyone can attend without registration fees. Registration is mandatory through the UPM events platform. The Zoom link will be sent by the platform to registered people. For more information on the project, you can contact the HIPERION Coordination team at contact@hiperion-project.eu or visit the HIPERION website at www.hiperion-project.eu

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