We are proud to announce that the HIPERION pilot line, which produces our innovative hybrid photovoltaic modules, is now fully operational!
The last production machine for the manufacturing of the front glass was delivered at CSEM facilities in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, on 8th May 2023. The acceptance test was successfully completed by HIPERION partner Mondragon Assembly, under the supervision of Insolight and CSEM.
The pilot line is now complete, and CSEM’s team has been trained on all systems, including the lens assembly bench, the characterization bench, the framing machine, the mating station and the hybrid flasher. This achievement is a key milestone for the HIPERION project, as it marks the end of years of hard work, dedication, and collaboration between many HIPERION consortium partners.
To celebrate this achievement and promote the HIPERION technology, CSEM is organising an Open Day to the pilot line, where visitors can witness firsthand how HIPERION hybrid modules are produced and measured. As part of the dissemination and training activities of the HIPERION project, this event is an opportunity to demonstrate the potential of our technology to a wider audience. More information on the event is provided in the “Get Together” section of this Newsletter. We look forward to welcome visitors and showcase the benefits of the HIPERION hybrid photovoltaic modules.
Figure: HIPERION Lens Assembly machine at CSEM premises, Neuchâtel, Switzerland