HIPERION Publications & Results

This page is updated with the publications and presentations generated within the HIPERION project.

Automated assembly of hybrid PV modules

Virtual conference “What’s Hot In European Solar R&D. Overview on First Results of EU funded Horizon2020 PV Projects HighLite, HIPERION, GoPV, and SuperPV” hosted by TaiyangNews, 28-30 June 2021

Speaker: Delphine Petri (CSEM)


Challenges in the power rating and design qualification of tracking-integrated hybrid modules

Virtual conference “What’s Hot In European Solar R&D. Overview on First Results of EU funded Horizon2020 PV Projects HighLite, HIPERION, GoPV, and SuperPV” hosted by TaiyangNews, 28-30 June 2021

Speaker: Ignacio Antón (Instituto de Energía Solar - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)


Hybrid PV modules with efficiencies above 30%

Virtual conference “What’s Hot In European Solar R&D. Overview on First Results of EU funded Horizon2020 PV Projects HighLite, HIPERION, GoPV, and SuperPV” hosted by TaiyangNews, 28-30 June 2021

Speaker: Florian Gerlich (Insolight)


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