HIPERION News & Videos

Ernst Zürcher


HIPERION video interview #10

Ernst Zürcher, Professor in Agroforestry and Forestry engineer, shares with passion his expertise in Agroforestry and makes interesting bridges between the natural world and photovoltaic technologies, such as those developed within HIPERION.

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Nicola Thibaudeau


HIPERION video interview #9

In the ninth HIPERION video interview, Nicola Thibaudeau, entrepreneur and CEO of MPS Micro Precision Systems AG, shares her view on the impact of increasing the performance of technologies, such as solar.

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Pietro Falce, mediator, coach, and Cultural Manager,


HIPERION video interview #8

What does the energy transition mean? To Pietro Falce, mediator, coach, and Cultural Manager, research related to renewable energies must be accompanied by a change of our approach to consumption if we want to concretely reduce our ecological footprint.

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