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HIPERION invited at the H2020 1st Coordinators’ Virtual Workshop on PV Manufacturing organised by INEA

HIPERION invited at the H2020 1st Coordinators' Virtual Workshop on PV Manufacturing organised by INEA

HIPERION Coordinator, Jacques Levrat (CSEM) was invited to present the HIPERION project at the H2020 1St Coordinators’ Virtual Workshop on PV Manufacturing organised by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). The workshop took place on the 1st December 2020 via Webex.

Along with HIPERION project, five other H2020-funded EU projects in the field of PV manufacturing attended the meeting:  AMPERE, GOPV, SUPER PV, HighLite and BIPVBOOST.

The objectives of the workshop were, on the one hand to identify potential synergies and opportunities between the projects and strengthen their cooperation. On the other hand, to establish a dialogue between researchers and EU policy makers to draft relevant policy recommendations in the PV field.

At start, each Coordinator presented its project concept, results, specific impact, major challenges, barriers for implementation and communication strategy. Then, a policy panel open discussion with parent EC DG representatives was held addressing topics such as projects’ contribution to the policy priorities, projects’ impact on the general call objectives, future developments of the technologies/PV sector, barriers and difficulties from policy/regulatory side and expected upcoming policy measures in the sector.

The workshop led to fruitful discussions and HIPERION is looking forward to enhance the cooperation with both the other H2020 projects and the EC.

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